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Profile on Consultant and ex CIO, Paul Caris

Author :
Jon Bance

Experience Counts

Our Lead Consultant, Paul Caris is bringing his wealth of experience and knowledge to execute an incredibly complex transformational programme of work



Great to get some time with you Paul, I know our consultant team is busy at the moment! How long have you been working at a senior level in Technology?

Wow, I think I have been a technology leader for over 25 years now, time has certainly flown.

What sort of work have these leadership roles exposed you to?

Mostly leading complex technology transformations, carve-out programmes, and due diligence initiatives for private equity-backed businesses and large corporations.

What are you most proud of during this time?

I think delivering measurable results in high-stakes environments empowering our clients to achieve operational excellence, unlock value, and navigate critical business transitions.

Which industry areas have you worked in during the last 25 years?

FinTech, Insurance, Travel, Hospitality, Real Estate, Not-for-profit and much more.

What are you working on now with Leading Resolutions?

We are engaged with a very well known UK brand to safely divest Technology, applications and processes as fast as possible. However we are also aiming to reduce running costs, improve stability, meet compliance and contractual obligations, and enhance organisational agility.


How are we doing all of this?

We complement the existing internal technology team, providing on-demand expert capacity, capability and expertise to a small retained team tasked with delivering a major change assignment.
Our Colleagues are assigned a specific set of deliverables while
being personally aligned to providing extended capacity to named Workstream leaders.

What are our key objective as part of this assignment?

There are many areas that the overall team are focused on, in summary these are not limited to 9 key areas

1. Supporting the implementation of the project and driving its progress at a pace consistent with the wider business strategy.

2. Providing project and programme management, as well as project office support, to ensure the success of the Project and related assignments.

3. Assisting workstream leaders in pursuing rapid, executable agreements with third parties that meet good practice standards and align with the organisation’s future goals.

4. Introducing and coordinating vendor engagement processes to ensure that vendors meet their obligations as defined in the agreed statement of works.

5. Providing ongoing commercial oversight with a long-term view to protect the current owners larger ambitions.

6. Supporting workstream leaders in complying with corporate compliance and cybersecurity requirements by liaising with the owners cybersecurity, compliance, procurement, legal, and steering committees.

7.Helping workstream leaders develop a communications plan that clearly conveys the progress and objectives of the Project to key stakeholders.

8. Identifying critical dependencies and assist workstream leaders in developing dependency management strategies.

9. Advising the business and steering groups on strategies and opportunities for action and planning, including data and applications.


What are the key next steps for the Programme?

We will be moving to a complicated separation and execution project to support the client ambitions to carve out their business and facilitate a potential future transaction.

Thanks for your time Paul, appreciate that this is highly complex and detailed

My pleasure